Gospel Giver
Join our Team
So you want to become a Gospel Giver
Something has inspired you or God has prompted you to join this movement and make a change for good
We are very pleased you have received this calling from God to enter into a wonderful ministry that equips and trains and sends out workers into the glorious harvest field. So you are probably wondering - how do I go about joining this organisation as an Ambassador and Evangelist
But don't worry - all the info you need is on this page. All you need is a pair of eyes to read, a mind to take in the info and the ability to scroll
Gospel Givers receive many benefits and perks for being on our team as well as being a part of a team - a worldwide team
People that work as volunteer Gospel Givers Evangelists get regular check ups to see how they are getting on. Free Recourses to aid in their evangelism. Mentorship and guidance. Get to represent our brand. Get free E books and get support and prayer and much much more.
Join the team to feel a part of something big and do the work of the Lord in spreading the gospel to the earth and the 3 Billion that have not been reached with the gospel

Gospel Givers Evangelist Policy
All it takes now if you are ready to take the next step is reading through our policy to make sure you match our criteria and submitting an application form
After the application form there will be a 2-3 week review period where we will review your application and if we think you have what it takes we will be in touch via email to let you know you are eligible for a online interview and then after that - if you pass - we will officially qualify you as the next and best Gospel Giver Evangelist!
If that sounds good then hit the link below to apply